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What Is Spin Syntax ↺ And How To Employ Spintax For Content You Write

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What Is ↺ Spintax ↻ And When To Use Spintax For Content You Create

Click to Play Video About What Is ↺ Spintax ↻ And When To Use Spintax For Content You Write
  • What is Spin Syntax or Spintax
  • Why Use Spin Syntax
  • How To Do Spin Syntax
  • Spin Syntax For Online Dating Such As

What is Spin Syntax or Spintax

Spintax, which is short for Spin Syntax, is a way of taking a peice of content, such as a phrase or sentence, and making it so that certain software programs, such as POF Auto Message Sender or Sentence Blender Spinner can create multiple, varied and unique versions of that phrase or sentence instead of using the same, exact, phrase or sentence every time.

Why Use Spin Syntax

In short, Spin Syntax is used to save time. In the example of POF Auto Message Sender, this program sends introductory, hello messages to singles on the Plenty Of Fish dating website. The software allows you to enter you own custom message. If you kept sending the same exact message to every member, POF would end up deleting your dating profile for spamming. If you set up your custom message using spin syntax or spintax, you would avoid this problem because the program would send different and unique messages every time it sends a message to someone.

Another example is website and blog owners who want to be able to take a web page or blog post they created and post the content other places online, to increase exposure, but they want to avoid the issue of duplicate content. Taking that web page or blog post and using spin syntax on it allows you to post numerous versions of that content with out any of those versions being duplicates.

How To Do Spin Syntax

The easiest way to show you how to perform spin syntax is to take an actual sentence and do it. For this example let's take the following short sentence:

  • I want to create a website.

All you do is look for words and phrases within that sentence that you can rephrase or say another way. For example, how about the phrase:

  • I want to.

There are other ways we can say this. The use of a synonym website can help us with ideas as well. Here is what I came up with for different ways to say I Want To:

  • I want to.
  • I need to.
  • I am hoping to.
  • I'm inclined to.
  • I am having a craving to.

Now the way you set this up in spin syntax is:

  1. Take the original word or phrase, in this case I want to and take each of different ways we have come up with to say that and place a pipe character | after it. So now we have I want to|I need to|I am hoping to|I'm inclined to|I am having the craving to. We don't add a pipe character at the end.
  2. Now take that and place a { at the beginning and a } at the end so we have {I want to|I need to|I am hoping to|I'm inclined to|I am having the craving to}.
  3. We now have spin syntax. A software program that supports the use of spin syntax, often referred to as spinning software, will randomly select one of the phrases between the pipe characters. So lets take our original short sentence I want to create a website except we are going to replace the phrase I want to with our spin syntax {I want to|I need to|I am hoping to|I'm inclined to|I am having the craving to} so the full sentence becomes {I want to|I need to|I am hoping to|I'm inclined to|I am having the craving to} create a website.
  4. Our spinning software will randomly grab one of the phrases between the pipe characters and replace the entire spin syntax with one of the phrases. The first time, the spinning software might output I'm inclined to create a website and the next time it might be I am having the craving to create a website and the next time I want to create a website etc. The end result is that each time, instead of just creating duplicate content, saying the same exact thing over and over, we are making our sentence read just a bit different each time. To see this for yourself in action head over to the spin syntax tester page and place the sentence {I want to|I need to|I am hoping to|I'm inclined to|I am having the craving to} create a website.

We now keep doing these steps for as many words and phrases as we can. So for example, when finished our original sentence in spintax might look like this

  • {I want to|I need to|I am hoping to|I'm inclined to|I am having the craving to} {create|build|construct} {a|my own} {website|blog|website or blog|domain}.

Now when you place this sentence in a spinning program it can create multiple variations of our original sentence, which you can see for yourself at the spin syntax generator page:

  • I want to create my own website.
  • I'm inclined to build my own website.
  • I am having the craving to construct my own blog.
  • I am having the craving to construct my own blog.
  • I need to construct a website or blog.

Isn't that awesome!? Although creating spin syntax takes a little time, it takes less time than to create 10 or 15 unique sentences manually and with spinning software, creating a new peice of content is a simple button click!

Spin Syntax For Online Dating Such As

In the context of online dating, content spinning is important if you are trying to save time by copying and pasting messages to multiple people. Copy and pasting the same exact message is NOT something you want to do because most dating sites have security measures in place to detect accounts created simply for the purpose of using automated software programs to advertise something. One of the red flags these dating sites, like Plenty Of Fish, look for is the same message being sent over and over again to people.

Even though YOU are not a bot or a software program, the dating website will think you are and will end up deleting your account. Instead of copy and pasting, create your introductory first message in spin syntax format, run it through a spinner software program and you will be able to output and send messages that appear unique enough that you won't get red flagged. This copy and paste approach of sending the same exact message to multiple people is the number one reason accounts get terminated at sites like Plenty Of Fish.

If you want to use the content spinning approach to avoid this, and you don't want to spend the money on dating automation software like POF Auto Message Sender or Plenty Of Fish Fast, feel free to use our spin syntax generator.

  1. Have your web browser open in two seperate tabs. One tab will be the dating site and the other tab have our spin syntax generator open.
  2. Create your introductory message in spin syntax format.
  3. Paste your spun intro sentence into the spin syntax generator.
  4. Simply switch between tabs to create a new spun version of your intro sentence and then to paste that sentence to the person on the dating site.

If you want to get right to it, here is a pre spun introductory message you can use for the dating sites:

  • {Hi|Hello|How are you|Good day}. {I {liked|enjoyed{| reading}} your {{dating|singles} |}profile{| description}|Your {dating |}profile{| description| 'about me'} is {different|refreshing|nice}}{.| and {thought|figured|assumed|imagined} we {might | probably |}{have some|share a few} {interests|hobbies}{| in common}.}{| {Would {love|enjoy}|{It would be {nice|cool}}|Hope} to {hear back|get a reply}{| from you}.{| {Either way|If not}, {good luck|have fun|hope you {meet|connect with} the {person|guy or girl|man or women} {of your dreams|you are {searching|looking} for}}.}}


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