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🎬 Video Tutorial About Plenty Of Fish Pickup Hacks To Enjoy More Girl, More Profile Views and More Messages On Plenty Of

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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Tutorial About Plenty Of Fish Pickup Hacks To Enjoy More Girl, More Profile Views and More Messages On Plenty Of

00:01 In this video I'm going to show you a few neat little tricks to get more views, dates, and action on Plenty of Fish dating.

00:08 what most people do on Plenty of Fish is they click the link to search, they enter in the details about the type of person they're looking for. I think a better approach, a more effective approach is to click the Online Now link, because then you'll be presented with a list of Plenty of Fish members who are online now. They'll get your message the minute you send it to them, versus if you send it to women who are not online. Next time they come online their in box is going to be filled with dozens or hundreds of emails and the chance of your email standing out and being noticed by them or even read is slim to none.

00:46 The next tip to get more action and with less work and less effort on Plenty of Fish is to be on Plenty of Fish when everybody else is. If you if you were to go to a nightclub to meet women you're not going to go there at 10 in the morning cuz nobody's going to be there. Treat Plenty of Fish like a nightclub. Go there when the hours are peak which is 7 p.m. to about 11 p.m. and on the weekends about 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

01:08 The third Plenty of Fish dating tip involves using a software program to automate the process of meeting women on Plenty of Fish. A program that I found and used is called Macro Recorder. The link can be found on our website at What you do is click on the link on the Plenty Of Fish dating website that reads Meet Me which takes you to the meet me section of Plenty of Fish. The way MEET ME works is you are presented with the main profile picture of a member of Plenty Of Fish who is in your age range. You click a button that indicates you like them or a button the indicate you don't like them. The program continues showing your profile pictures of single members until you are done playing.

01:46 Macro Recorder records you clicking the buttons in the MEET ME section of Plenty Of Fish. Let the program record you for about a minute, then click the STOP button on Macro Recorder. Then go to the REPEAT section of Macro Recorder and change the number from the default of 1 to a much higher number, like say 100.

02:38 You then go off and do something else like have dinner or go to a movie. By the time you come back, the software program would have clicked on so many people's profiles on Plenty of Fish that you are sure to get more attention from single members on Plenty Of Fish dating.

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