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Demonstrations Of Most Appealing Messages ✉ To Send On Plenty Of To Attract A Girl On

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Examples Of Most Appealing First E-mails ✉ To Send On Dating

Click to Play Video About Examples Of Sexiest First Messages ✉ To Send On Plenty Of
  • How Come Women Don't Email Me Back?
  • Best First Message to Send a Girl on POF
  • Perfect First Email Step by Step Formula
  • Best First Message Examples
  • What Does Sales Have to do with Online Dating?

Whats Wrong with POF? How Come Women Don't Email Me Back? Are The Profiles Fake?

One issue that creeps up again and again on Plenty Of Fish is that guys feel like they are wasting their time because very few women reply to your first email to them. When you are a Plenty Of Fish beginner, you start by reading the entire girls profile description. You then send very long, in-depth emails to girls because you just assume they are going to reply. After sending a few emails that could be considered novels with no response, you begin to wonder "is there something wrong with me?" So you stop putting much effort into reading their profiles and you 5 paragraph long emails turn into "what's up", or "hey" simply because, if you are lucky, one out of every 10 women will email you back.

Trust me. It is NOT YOU. This kind of thing happens to just about every single guy on Plenty Of Fish. The only ones it does not happen to are really good looking guys. These guys could throw up on themselves and it would turn the women on POF on.

Get your Profile Viewed by Hundreds of POF Members in just a Couple of Hours. show me

The Best First Message to Send a Girl on POF or ANY Dating Site

First off, stop putting women on a pedestal. There is no magic first email that will get all the women replying to you on Plenty Of Flush BUT there IS a set of guidelines you should follow to get your first email response rate up to the highest percentage possible.

Keep in mind that dating, online OR offline, is a numbers game. MOST women ARE going to reject you no matter where or how you are meeting them. That is their job. That is what is programmed inside them. They have no control over it. Biology and Evolution has programmed into women to reject all but the perfect mate. This is to ensure the survival of the species. Imagine if every girl slept with any and everyone. We would all be midgets with three feet with one of them attached to our forehead.

The Perfect First Email Step by Step Formula

Keep these few rules in mind to maximize the highest reply percentage rate. A good first message to send on any dating site ...

  • short. A sentence or two. No sense in putting in a lot of effort with your first emails until you have established a particular women is interested in you.
  • ...asks a question. The human beings automated response to a question is to answer it. By having a question in your first email to women on Plenty Of Fish you greatly increase the chances of a reply which starts the conversation ball rolling.
  • ...shows the women you looked at her profile and maybe even read a bit of it.
  • ...keeps the first message light. Nothing heavy or negative. Nothing negative about women and nothing negative about life.
  • ...tries to say something that will show the women you can relate to what they are going through and that you are experiencing the same thing.
  • ...encourages them to share.
  • If you can weave a little humor in your first email that is good for bonus points.

Stick with these rules for the greatest success. Every single day I get 5 to 10 emails from women on auto pilot. I am not a particularly good looking guy. In fact you can see my POF profile for yourself. If you go to you can see screen shots of my POF account and email inbox.

Best First Message Examples and Which First Message Rule(s) Each Message Adheres to

You can get an unlimited amount of these copy and paste POF messages for yourself here.

You will notice that every single one of these first messages is not more than two sentences long. These are the exact types of email I use that get me this type of email response success.

  • Any bad stories yet with POF? I have met a few people but they all seem to have cell phone cameras that take off 30 lbs. Are you experiencing anything like this? (all women on dating sites experience deception from men so this one relates to most women well, with the exception of women who are overweight and trying to hide it).
  • Liked what you wrote in your profile. (Indicates you actually read their profile).
  • Any luck with POF? I have chatted with a few people but they all seem to have cameras that remove 30 lbs. (Same as #1).
  • Hello, Just wanted to introduce myself. (This makes it more personal by saying the type of thing you would say if you met them in person versus online).
  • Hey, Typing you to introduce you to someone special :). (Shows confidence, evokes curiousity).
  • Any luck with POF? I have chatted with a few members but nobody really special yet. Are you dealing with something similar? (Sends the message you are very single and available and encourages them to share).

What Does Sales Have to do with Online Dating?

It is a numbers game. Answer these couple of questions. Approximately how many emails, on average, do you have to send on Plenty Of Fish to get one reply from women? Is it

  • 1 out of 5 emails?
  • 1 out of 10?.

For me, specifically, the percentage is about 10%. About 1 out of every 10 emails I send out I will get a reply. So if 1 out of 10 women reply to your first email, what would happen if you sent out 100 emails? You would get 10 replies. What if you sent out 1,000 emails? You would get 100 replies. That is a lot of emails sent to you by women, is it not? Hey, maybe a light bulb is going off in your head now.

Following the above best first message on pof formula will get you the greatest possible replies possible to your first email to women on Plenty Of Fish. But always remember it is a numbers game and the more emails you send out the more you will get back.



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