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How To Enjoy Lots More Message ✉ Replies On Plenty Of

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How To Get Email ✉ Replies On Plenty Of Fish Dating

Click to Play Video About How To Get Lots Message ✉ Replies On Plenty Of Fish
  • The Reason for the Low Email Response Rate on Plenty of Fish
  • How I Found Out Why I Was so Unpopular on POF
  • Why my POF Dating Experiment Shocked Me
  • The Number One Reaons you Get a Low Email Response Rate on POF
  • To be Successful on POF And Get Lots More Replies to your First Emails
  • How to Significantly Increase the Number of POF Singles Who View your Dating Profile
  • How to Send An Emails to a POF Members When They First Come Online
  • Getting Swamped With Dates of

The Reason for the Low Email Response Rate on Plenty Of Fish

This low response rate is a problem for two types of people on Plenty Of Fish:

  1. Guys who are not more attractive looking than normal - roughly 90% of guys on Plenty Of Fish.
  2. Women who are ugly - roughly 25% of women on Plenty Of Fish. (guys standards are lower than womens).

How I Found out Why I was so Unpopular on POF

I wanted to try to view and analyze things from a womens perspective. I felt that if I could experience what they experience, maybe I could see my POF profile more like the way they see my profile.

  1. I created three fake womens profiles on Plenty Of Fish. One of the profiles I used a gorgeous girls picture, the second profile I used a slighter better looking than average womens pictures, and the third I used picture of a girl who was neither attractive nor ugly.
  2. I sat back and waited to see what happened.

Why My POF Dating Experiment Shocked Me

In less than 15 minutes after creating the fake POF profiles, all three of the fake dating profiles began getting emails from guys. After a half a day the two more attractive girls had more than a dozen emails in their POF inbox and the less attractive girl had 5 emails. After a week all three women had well over 100 emails in their POF inbox.

The huge number of emails women get on a daily basis on Plenty Of Fish.
The huge number of emails women get on a daily basis on Plenty Of Fish.
The huge number of emails women get on a daily basis on Plenty Of Fish. Image generously provide by Online Dating Paradox.

The Number One Reaons you get a Low Email Response Rate on POF

The problem is not you! The problem is that attractive women on Plenty Of Fish get sooooo many emails that their 'email delete' filter is in overdrive.

Most of the guys on Plenty Of Fish are average looking at best. Women care about looks as much as guys do. After opening 30 emails from guys that don't fit the bill, these women get frustrated and impatient. When they get your email their brain is already programmed to delete. When they see your email they think 'oh another email from a loser?!?!?'.

To be Successful on POF and get Lots More Replies to your First Emails

You have a couple of options:

  1. Be OK with, and get use to dating unattractive women or men. With unattractive women and men on POF you can send any type of email you want and they will reply. If you are OK with dating the unattractive people on Plenty Of Fish you will have more dates than you can handle and become popular real fast. (yea - I don't like this solution either).
  2. Significantly increase the number of women/men who view your profile and become aware of your existence on Plenty Of Fish and get them to email you first.
  3. Catch a POF single when they first come online and send them an email then. When they get the email and look at your profile (that is the first thing most people do when they get an email from somone of POF.) they will see you are online now which will significantly increase the odds they will reply.

How to Significantly Increase the Number of POF Singles Who View your Dating Profile

The best way to do this is use the Meet Me features of Plenty of Fish. The way this works is:

POF Meet Me feature lets you initiate interest and get single members looking at your profile.
POF Meet Me feature lets you initiate interest and get single members looking at your profile.
POF Meet Me feature lets you initiate interest and get single members looking at your profile.
  1. Your are presented with the main image of POF members in your area with three buttons underneath their pictures:.
  2. NO Button: click this if you don't like the way they look.
  3. MAYBE Button: click this if you are unsure.
  4. YES Button: click this if you like their picture and are interested.
  • Clicking the NO or MAYBE button does nothing. Clicking the YES button causes POF to send them a notification you are interested in them.
  • No matter which of the three buttons you click you are automatically presented with a picture of another POF member.
  • Continue with this until you have clicked YES for a couple of hundred people.
  • The net result is most of these women will end up looking at your profile. Even if only a very small percentage like what they see a certain number of them is either:

    • Going to indicate a reciprocated interest. These people will show up in your 'alert center' and it will say 'It's a mutual match with [username]'. Clicking on that will take you to their profile where you can begin a conversation with someone you know is interested in you.
    • Initiate the first email with you. Most women want the guy to initiate and for many women, your interest in them via the Meet Me feature is enough for them to 'reciprocate' with an email to you.
    POF alert center which shows who reciprocated to your 'Meet Me' interest.
    POF alert center which shows who reciprocated to your 'Meet Me' interest.
    POF alert center which shows who reciprocated to your 'Meet Me' interest.

    Many people use Plenty Of Fish Fast software which does the whole Meet Me thing for you on autopilot.

    How to Send an Emails to a POF Members when they First Come Online

    This one is a bit more involved and trickier without the use of a program like Plenty Of Fish Fast. The way to do this:

    1. Perform a Plenty Of Fish advanced search.
    2. On the first page of search results it will show if the member is online because the text next to their profile thumb that says 'Online Now'.
    3. Perform steps #1 and #2 once every 15 minutes or so. As new users come online they will be revealed as indicated in the previous step.
    Performing an Advanced Search on Plenty Of Fish will show you who is online right now.
    Performing an Advanced Search on Plenty Of Fish will show you who is online right now.
    Performing an Advanced Search on Plenty Of Fish will show you who is online right now.

    Getting Swamped with Dates of

    Perform the steps to increase your profile views AND send emails when users first come online on a regular basis and the number of messages in your inbox will grow swiftly. Be careful that you don't go overboard and have too many women interested in you at once. You won't be able to keep up and will blow opportunities.




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