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How to Report Harassment or Bullying on Facebook ⓕ to Police

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  • Can your Report Someone on Facebook ⓕ for Harassment or Bullying?
  • How to Report Facebook Harassment to Facebook ⓕ
  • Don't Have a Facebook ⓕ Account? Facebook ⓕ Contact Info
  • Visit the Facebook ⓕ Reporting Things Page
  • How to Report Facebook ⓕ Harassment to the Police 🚔
  • What Happens when you Report Harassment on Facebook ⓕ?

Can Your Report Someone on Facebook ⓕ for Harassment or Bullying?

Absolutely, you can report someone on Facebook for harassment or bullying. There is a help page on Facebook which gives you instructions for reporting someone on Facebook, but reporting someone for harassment and/or bullying can be done directly on the profile page of the person you wish to report.

How to Report Facebook Harassment to Facebook ⓕ

Is someone harassing you or bullying you, or a friend of yours, on and you want to report it to either Facebook or the police?

Here's the quickest and most effective way to report anybody on Facebook, to Facebook.

  1. Go to the profile of the person on Facebook you wish to report to Facebook.
  2. At the upper right-hand side of their profile look for the ellipse which is three horizontal dots .
  3. A pop-up menu will appear. Click on the menu item Find support or report profile.
  4. A dialog box will appear asking you the type of report you'd like to make against this person's profile on Facebook. Select Harassment or bullying.
  5. Another dialog box will appear which suggests additional steps you can take which include blocking, unfriending, and unfollowing the person on Facebook you wish to report for harassment or bullying.
Report Facebook Harassment ①Click Profile Ellipse ②Click Find Support Or Report Profile
Image of How to Report Person On Facebook For Harassment ①Click Profile Ellipse ②Click Find Support Or Report Profile.
Report Facebook Harassment ①Click Profile Ellipse ②Click Find Support Or Report Profile
Report Facebook Harassment ③Click Harassment Or Bullying ④Click Next
Image of How to Report Person On Facebook For Harassment ③Click Harassment or Bullying ④Click Next.
Report Facebook Harassment ③Click Harassment Or Bullying ④Click Next
Report Facebook Harassment ⑤Additional Steps, Unfriend, Unfollow, Block Profile.
Image of How to Report Person On Facebook For Harassment Additional Steps Unfriend, Unfollow, Block Profile.
Report Facebook Harassment ⑤Additional Steps, Unfriend, Unfollow, Block Profile.

You can also find more information about reporting someone on Facebook for varying reasons at

Don't Have a Facebook Account? Facebook Contact Info ⓕ

Unfortunately, Facebook is not the greatest of help if you do not have a Facebook account. If you wish to report harassment or bullying on Facebook, Facebook says to find a friend or someone you know who does have a Facebook account and have them follow the above steps for reporting harassment or bullying on Facebook. Here are some direct contact options for

Visit the Facebook ⓕ Reporting Things Page

You can visit the Facebook page for reporting things at

Here is a page that shows you how to unfriend or block someone on

How to Report Facebook ⓕ Harassment to the Police 🚔

If you think it is warranted you could also report this person's profile to the police depending upon what they have done and if you think it is against the law. Give your local police department of phone call and depending upon the police department they will handle it differently.

Some police departments have their own internet investigations unit. The police department who don't will tell you what action to take.

What Happens when you Report Harassment on Facebook ⓕ?

Generally, Facebook takes reports of abuse of its website and its member pretty seriously. When you submit a harassment complaint to Facebook, the Facebook team will investigate and take further action, if it is warranted. They may or may not notify you of the action they are taking against the person you are reporting to Facebook for harassment or bullying.


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