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🧾 Technical Details on Instantly Remove All Advertisements on ANY Web Page

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This page will show you This page is going to show you how to use a free bookmarket on your web browser to instantly remove all annoying, web page slowing, bandwidth hogging advertisements.

This page is also going to show you how this advertisement removing app allows you to print any web page without ads.

🧾 Technical Details on Instantly Remove All Advertisements on ANY Web Page

While understandable, that advertisements on web pages are a necessary annoyance to provide some sort of financial compensation to the person or people who are maintaining and building the websites you are visiting, on a lot of websites the sheer volume of advertisements on the web pages is ridiculous to the point where it seriously impairs the ability to satisfactorily interact with that web page.

As an underlying thought, many people may not be aware these advertisements are often a serious compromising Factor regarding your browsing privacy.

This free advertisement destroying bookmarklet makes it as easy as a simple mouse click to immediately remove and destroy all advertisements on any and all web pages you ever visit.

How to Quickly Install the Advertisement Destroying Bookmarklet

To use this free advertising destroying bookmarklet you first need to install it to the web browsers you want to use it on which is very easy to do.

  1. Make sure your web browser's bookmarks bar is showing.
  2. Move your mouse over this link which is the advertising destroying bookmarklet and press your left Mouse button down and hold it down.
  3. While keeping the left Mouse button depressed drag and drop the bookmarklet up to your bookmarks bar on your web browser and when the bookmarklet link is in the location where you want it to be release the left Mouse button and the add destroying bookmarklet will now be installed on your web browser bookmark bar where you just dropped it.

How to Use the Ad Removing App to Instantly Remove Any and All Advertisements on Any Web Page

As soon as you arrive at any web page where you want to destroy the ads simply click on the bookmarklet that you just installed to your web browser bookmarks bar in a matter of about a second or two pretty much every single ad in existence on that web page will immediately be terminated freeing up system resources and making the web page function much more efficiently and quickly.

Print Web Pages Without Ads

Using the ad removing bookmarklet you can now print any web page without the ads by simply clicking the bookmarklet to remove the ads and then print the page.


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