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Top Key Words 🔑 for 🔴

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  • Top Key Words 🔑 for 🔴
  • How to Get Unique, Untapped Keywords 🔑 for your Redbubble 🔴 Design
  • Best Keywords 🔑 for Redbubble 🔴 Case Example
  • How to Save All These Keywords 🔑 for Redbubble 🔴
  • Keyword Testing to Find the Best Keywords 🔑 for Redbubble 🔴
  • Examples of Software Programs to Find the Best Keywords 🔑 for Redbubble 🔴
  • How to Do Keyword 🔑 Research to Find the Best Keywords 🔑 for Redbubble 🔴
  • What is Redbubble 🔴?

Top Key Words 🔑 for 🔴

The best keywords or tags for Redbubble must meet 2 criteria:

  • The BEST keywords or tags for Redbubble accurately describe what it is you are selling Redbubble.
  • The BEST keywords or tags for Redbubble should be ones that are being searched on Google (most of the traffic to your Redbubble pages will come from people searching in Google) but as few people as possible are currently using on Redbubble. In other words, unique keywords or keyword phrases.

How to Get Unique, Untapped Keywords for your RedBubble Design

Most people are going to find what your selling on Redbubble by searching Google, by far the most used, major search engine. There will be some people searching for things on Redbubble directly from the Redbubble website, but you stand to get a lot more business via Google because there are tens of millions of people searching Google every day, far fewer searches directly on Redbubble.

The best keywords for Redbubble will be keyword phrases or tags people search in Google to bring YOUR Redbubble designs up in search results but NOT other peoples designs. In other words, as best as possible, remove competition. Wouldn't you rather that your Redbubble pages are the only ones that come up when people search Google?

Best Keywords for Redbubble Case Example

Lets pretend you have uploaded the Edward Van Halen Frankenstrat design (this is the red, white and black criss cross design that was on his electric guitar) and you want to put it on SOMETHING and sell it. You could put it on a throw pillow but what if no one is looking for a throw pillow with the Frankenstrat design but there are LOTS of people looking for towels with the Frankenstrat design?

Frankenstrat Design
Image of Frankenstrat Design.
Frankenstrat Design

Here is the step by step procedure for finding the best keywords AND products to put your artwork or design on in Redbubble:

  1. You first need to know what is it people are searching for on Google related to what your design is on Redbubble. Use Googles auto suggest or auto complete feature to find this out. The Google Auto Suggest is when you type something into Google and a drop down box shows search suggestions. Try this right now right along with me. Open up Google search in your web browser and type in Eddie Van Halen Frankenstrat.
  2. With the keyboard caret still in the search box, press the Space key and then the letter a. Notice what Google suggests in the drop down box that appears. Google is showing you this because other people who have come to Google and typed in Eddie Van Halen Frankenstrat a have searched for what Google is suggesting to you. In other words, the keyword search suggestions in the dropdown box are being looked for and searched by real people.
  3. Now press the Backspace key and press the letter b. Notice the new keyword suggestions that drop down.
  4. Keep doing this for each letter of the alphabet. Now you are beginning to get an idea of what people are actually looking for that has the Frankenstrat design on it.
Finding the Best Keywords for Redbubble via Google Auto Complete
Image of how to Find the Best Keywords for Redbubble via Google Auto Complete.
Finding the Best Keywords for Redbubble via Google Auto Complete

How to Save All these Keywords for Redbubble

You need a keyword software program that will do 2 things for you:

  • Scrape all these keyword phrases being suggested.
  • Test to find which of these keyword phrases have few to no web pages on the internet (including the Redbubble website) that are properly optimized for each keyword phrase.

The net result will be that you have a list of keyword phrases with very few web pages optimized for these keyword phrases. You then use this information for selling something on Redbubble that will have very little competition from other people.

Keyword Testing to Find the Best Keywords for Redbubble

Finding all the things (keyword phrases) people are searching on Google so you know what to sell on Redbubble is the first step. You also need to know how much competition each keyword phrase has. You want to choose the keyword phrases that have the least number of other web pages online optimized for the keyword phrase.

A web page is optimized for a keyword phrase if ...

  • The keyword phrase is in the title.
  • The keyword phase is in the web page description.
  • The keyword phrase is in the url or web address of the web page.
  • The keyword phrase is found in the web page itself.

You want to find which of the keyword phrases that you scraped from the Google Auto Complete have the fewest web pages (including the web pages on Redbubble) with the keyword phrase in the web pages title, the web address of the web page, the web pages description and the text that is found on the web page.

If you have ever created a listing on Redbubble, the following screen (Add new work) may look familiar to you:

Redbubble Add New Work Page
Image of Redbubble Add New Work Page.
Redbubble Add New Work Page

See where you input the title, description and tags of the item you upload to Redbubble? These are the places you put the perfect keyword that you find via the instructions on this page.

Examples of Software Programs to Find the Best Keywords for Redbubble

  • Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker: Watch the video above in which we actually use this software program to find the best keywords for Redbubble, using the Frankenstrat design for our example. This software both scrapes and saves the keyword phrases to use with Redbubble AND tests each of the keyword phrases to find the best ones for your Redbubble creative.
  • Keyword Researcher: a bit more expensive. Excellent keyword scraper and keyword organizer but does not test the amount of competition of the keyword phrases.
Google Auto Complete Scraped Via Software Program
Image of Google Auto Complete Scraped Via Software Program.
Google Auto Complete Scraped Via Software Program
Scraped Keyword Phrases With Low Competition
Image of Scraped Keyword Phrases With Low Competition.
Scraped Keyword Phrases With Low Competition

How to do Keyword Research to Find the Best Keywords for Redbubble

Using one of the software programs indicated above or any software program that can scrape Google keyword phrases and competition test them ...

  1. Enter starting keyword phrases into the software. The starting keywords phrases would be words or phrases that are related to the design or artwork you want to put on items in Redbubble and sell. For best results, set the software to only scrape keyword phrases that are 5 words long or more. These are called long tail keywords and these types of keyword phrases will have less competition on Redbubble and the entire internet.
  2. Take all the scraped keyword phrases and competition test them to find the keyword phrases that have the least amount of competition on the internet.
  3. Take the keyword phrases with the least amount of competition and apply your design or artwork to the appropriate item that the low competition keywords reflect. Refer to the video on this page for a step by step walkthrough on how to do this.
  4. When you create your new listing on the Add new work page of Redbubble, make sure you put the exact keyword phrase in the title, tags and description of your new listing. In the description, be sure to sprinkle the exact keyword phrase 2 - 4 times within the Redbubble description for your new work. This will make it a lot easier for the search engines, including the Redbubble search engine, to find your item and increase potential customers and sales of your new Redbubble item.
  5. Any images that you upload for your new work, make sure you include the keyword phrase in the name of the image, for example edddie-van-halen-frankenstein-mask.jpg.

What is Redbubble?

Redbubble is a website for creative people who want to create and sell things like shirts, stickers, phone cases, and pillows, etc. People create and upload artwork or designs they have created and have the Redbubble app built in to the Redbubble website put them on items they wish to sell such as shirts, stickers, phone cases, and pillows, etc.

Most people creating and selling on Redbubble know a lot more about creating than they do marketing and selling things. The purpose of this web page on the best keywords for Redbubble is to help people selling their creative work on Redbubble have the things they are selling be found a lot faster and easier on the major search engines like Google.


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