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Fast Keywords Hack

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Great Keyword Trick For 7 Word+ Long Tail Keywords Zero Competition

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  • Powerful Keyword Research for Bloggers and Website Owners, in a Nutshell
  • What About the Number of Searches Keywords Get?
  • Why is Keyword Search Volume not Important?
  • the Problem with Most Keyword Research Strategies
  • the Keyword Stategy that Will Put your Blog Posts on Googles First Page in Days

Powerful Keyword Research for Bloggers and Website Owners, in a Nutshell

Keyword strategies and related blog posts about different ways of finding and utilizing long tail keywords are a dime a dozen but I promise you, read this entire simple 2 step process and you will, at will, be able to start with any seed keyword and walk away with giant lists (100+ keyword phrases) of long tail keywords with between 7 - 10 words that have absolutely no, or very little competition.

The subject of keyword research and how to do it properly involves two important tasks:

  1. Expanding you starting keyword or keywords list to make larger, as large as possible.
  2. Find the keyword phrases in this list that have little or no competition.

What About the NUMBER of SEARCHES Keywords get?

As far as finding the number of searches a particular keyword phrase gets per day, week or month is a much more complicated process than those who stand to profit will have you think. Fact is, the only agency that really has a solid grasp on this, because they control and direct about 83% of all internet traffic, is Google and I highly doubt they will release ACCURATE data about this to anyone external.

The best advice I have ever seen about getting accurate keyword search numbers is:

  1. Create a google adwords account.
  2. Create a paid ad that you bid high enough for it to be on the first page of Google.
  3. Hope no one clicks on your ad (so the information is free, otherwise you pay per click) and see in your stats how many impressions the ad gets.

But this approach is probably just way too involved and time consuming and not necessary.

Why is Keyword Search Volume NOT Important?

The killer keyword strategy I will be revealing below, all the keywords it reveals get, at the bare minimum, 10 searches per month. This is called the 'low hanging fruit' in keyword research terminology.

Any blog post you do that gets ANY new visitors to your blog or website is valuable. Sure, getting on the first page for a keyword term that gets 10,000 search a month is better than a keyword term that only gets 10 searches per month but remember that keyword search volume and competition from other web pages, or even whole websites, are proportionate. There are exceptions. There are rare keyword phrases that get a high search volume with little to no competition, but that exception aside, what would you prefer:

  1. Get on the second page of Google for a keyword phrase that gets 10,000 searches per month.
  2. Get on the first page of Google, in the top five spots, for a keyword phrase that gets 100 searches per month.

I'll take the second one any day.

THE Problem with MOST Keyword Research Strategies

I have tried and used LOTS of different keyword tools and LOTS of different keyword strategies and most of them tend to have holes or issues.

  • The strategy and/or software pulls keyword phrases that every other keyword program is pulling so good long tail keywords are no longer good long tail keywords.
  • The strategy and/or software involved is outdated and is no longer works. There have been numerous keyword software programs I have purchased that stop working after 6 months and even though the corresponding website is either no longer around or is still around and, magically, clicking the link for technical support doesn't work. So much for lifetime support and free updates.
  • The software merely 'fancies-up' Google Keyword Planner data. Most of these types of keyword programs are now broken as well.

THE Keyword Stategy that will put your Blog Posts on Googles First Page in Days

I'll be honest, right off the bat, this keyword strategy involves two software programs that we produce and sell but we produced these two software programs for the explicit purpose of being able to easily create killer, no competition, long tail keyword phrases.

Overview of the Keyword Strategy

This keyword strategy, which I call the keyword strategy for bloggers (only because everyone in the world today uses the Wordpress blogging platform) involves two powerful steps in the process:

  1. Build a giant list of very long tail keywords (over 6 words long each keyword phrase).
  2. Filter out the ones that have little to no competing web pages optimized for the keyword phrase.

The end result is a list of keywords you could, literally, sell for a LOT of money. The final list of filtered down keywords is truly that amazing and that incredible. I have literally created a web pages/blog post for these keywords and quite often I am on the first page of Google in a matter of days. I am not talking days to get the page indexed but days to be on the first page of search results.

Software Programs Needed for this Keyword Strategy

The two programs used in this long tail keyword strategy for bloggers:

  1. Infinity Google Keywords: this program takes your starting keyword phrase and turns it into thousands of keywords ranging from 3 words long up to a whopping 10 words long. Thankfully the software has a simple option button that immediately filters out and only displays the keyword phrases that are longer than 6 words long. Infinity Google Keywords pulls keyword suggestions from:
    • Google Autocomplete database.
    • Google Related Searches database.
    This is the software program we use first to build our giant list of keyword phrases that are LONGER than 6 words long.
  2. Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker: this program (has since been updated to include a Google auto complete keyword scraper) takes your list of 6+ word long keyword phrases and checks how many web pages are optimized for that keyword phrase based upon three criteria:
    1. If the keyword phrase can be found in the title of the web page.
    2. If the words that make up the keyword phrase can be found in the url of the web page.
    3. If the keyword phrase is found at all in the text of the web page, the actual article or blog post.
    Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker then assigns a grade from F - A. Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker only assigns a grade of A if the total number of web pages optimized for the three above factors is less than 10.

Step by Step

Here we take all of the information on this page so far and create and organized, easy to follow, step by step action plan. Follow this easy step by step plan to, at any time, create a giant list of the ripest, absolute, hands down, best keyword phrases that will be easy to rank for.

  1. Launch Infinity Google Keywords.
  2. Infinity Google Keywords keyword research and keyword expansion software when it first loads.
  3. Enter your starting keyword/phrase.
  4. Although you can filter keyword phrase results after they come in ...
    • show all keyword phrases.
    • only show keyword phrases containing 5 words or more.
    • only show keyword phrases containing 7 words or more.
    • only show keywords that do not contain the word free.
    • custom filter to specify to show/not show keyword phrases containing any word or phrase of your choosing.
    ... you can filter the keyword phrase results that get scraped before they come by ...
    • entering negative keyword/phrase(s) that you don't want Infinity Google Keywords to scrape if they contain that keyword/phrase(s)
    • check the box that says Don't Add Keywords to Scrape List NOT Having Original Keyword.
  5. Press the Mulitply button.
  6. Let the software run until you get a significant amount of keywords scraped when the keywords over 6 words long option button is ticked. The keyword phrases that are over 6 words long are the ones we want.
  7. At this point you could use these long long tail keyword phrases as they are and many if not most of them will not have much competition, but the next steps we are going to take filter out the real keyword phrase gems with NO competition.
  8. Launch the software program Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker.
  9. Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker software when it first loads.
  10. Go back to Infinity Google Keywords.
  11. Make sure the keywords over 6 words long option button is ticked.
  12. Infinity Google Keywords 'only show keywords over 6 words long' option button ticked.
  13. Click the menu File ➯ Save Keywords. This will save all the keyword phrases that are over 6 words long as a text file.
  14. Infinity Google Keywords software menu  File ➯ Save Keywords.
  15. Open the file of keywords you just saved and copy them all to clipboard.
  16. Infinity Google Keywords keyword list saved to and then opened with notepad.
  17. Paste the keywords list into Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker software where it says Enter List of Keywords here.
  18. Press the Check Competition button in Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker.
  19. Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker will then perform allintitle, allinurl and allintext Google searches for every 6+ word long tail keyword phrase in the list and based upon the results provide an SEO grade from F - A.
  20. When Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker has finished with all the keywords, select and then right click the list and select the menu item Select ALL [A] Score Keywords. This will select and highlight all the unbelievable keyword phrases that are over 6 words long that have LESS than 10 web pages, on the entire internet, optimized for each of the highlighted and selected keyword phrases.
  21. Select and right click the keywords list again and this time select the menu item Save Selected Keywords to ....
  22. List of grade [A] long tail keywords phrases in Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker software.
  23. You now have one of the most powerful, traffic pulling, long tail keywords list you could possibly have.

NOTE: here are more detailed tutorials on how to use Infinity Google Keywords and how to use Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker.


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