Short Tail Keywords vs Long Tail Keywords - the Difference
The easiest way to understand the difference between short tail and long tail keywords is short tail keyword phrases are shorter because they have less words in them and long tail keywords are longer because long tail keywords have more words in them.
Short Tail Keywords = No Sale, Long Tail Keyword = Buyer
From an affiliate marketer/website owner/SEO stand point the difference between the two is huge.
From a sales stand point, the more words the persons types into search engine the closer they are to making a purchase. Long tail keywords are typed into search engines by people who know exactly what they want. Short tail keywords are typed by people who only vaguely know what they want and are in a state of mind of trying to find out more information about the general product category.
Infographic Displaying Difference Between Long Short Tail Keyword Examples.
![Image of Infographic Displaying Difference Between Long Short Tail Keyword Examples. Image of Infographic Displaying Difference Between Long Short Tail Keyword Examples.]()
Infographic Displaying Difference Between Long Short Tail Keyword Examples.
Examples and Differences Between Long and Short Tail
For example, lets pretend person A is looking for keyword research software. Someone who is unclear about what they want and is miles from making a purchase would type something vague and general like:
- keyword software.
- keywords program.
- keyword research.
These are short tail keywords. They are less than 5 words long. Anybody who is typing these types of search terms into a search engine are interested in keyword related software but they have no clue which keyword program they want. This person is in the investigative stage of searching. They are trying to find out more information.
Someone who knows exactly what they want and is inches from making a purchase/action decision conducts a search that is going to reflect a more clear and specific intent which will require more words in the search phrase. For example:
Differences Between These Two Searches
The biggest, noticable, differences between the short tail and long tail keyword examples is the long tail keyword searches:
- Are more specific, in terms of what the searcher is looking for.
- Often include exact product or brand names.
- Often include one or more of the following words:
- Buy.
- Coupon.
- Discount.
- Download.
- Purchase.
- Trial.
- vs (as in comparing two products or items).
Chart Comparing Differences Between Long Short Tail Keywords.
![Image of Chart Comparing Differences Between Long Short Tail Keywords. Image of Chart Comparing Differences Between Long Short Tail Keywords.]()
Chart Comparing Differences Between Long Short Tail Keywords.
Long Tail does not ALWAYS Mean Buyer
When doing keyword research don't automatically conclude that because a keyphrase is long tail (5 words or more) that it means they are buyers ready to lay down the cash. For example, do you think these long tail keywords phrases are valuable, in terms of the desire to attract these types of searchers to your website:
- Long Tail Pro software crack.
- Download Keyword Researcher free.
Winning Long Tail Keyword Formula
The ideal long tail keywords to be looking for (aside from the obvious that they get as many searches as possible and have little or no competition):
- 6 words long or longer.
- Include one of the purchase ready words indicated above such as buy, get, download.