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Volume Of Keyword Phrases 🔑 Should Be For Meta Tags

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  • How Many Keywords you Should Use in Meta Tags
  • Keywords Meta Tag
  • How Many Keywords in the Meta Keywords Tag?
  • Other Meta Tags to Use Keywords
  • Use of Keywords in Meta Tags in Wordpress
  • Definition of Terms Used on the Page

How Many Keywords you Should Use in Meta Tags

When people ask this question they are usually referring to the Meta Keywords Tag. There are several other Meta Tags where you should be inserting your keywords and keyword phrases as well, besides the Keyword Meta Tag.

Here is a rundown of the various meta tags where your main, target keyword should be inserted and how many times keywords should be inserted in these various Meta Tags. Proper use of keywords in the meta tags, as explained on this page, are the foundation and cornerstone to On Page SEO.

Keywords Meta Tag

You probably have read not to waste your time using the Meta Keywords Tag because search engines ignore them. How these supposed website search engine experts might know this I find questionable. I would use and insert the Keywords Meta Tag in your website or blogs pages for three reasons:

  1. These 'experts' might be wrong.
  2. The keywords meta tag is another legitimate opportunity to insert keywords.
  3. The rules of SEO might change tomorrow.

How Many Keywords in the Meta Keywords Tag?

Insert up to 5 keywords phrases keeping these rules in mind:

  • If, when doing your keyword research, you come up with several keyword phrases that are very similar, use these as your Meta Keywords tag keywords. For example, when we were doing keyword research with Infinity Google Keywords for this page, the software gave use these two very similar search terms:
    • how many keywords should I use in meta tag.
    • how many keywords to put in meta tag.

So we used both these long tail keywords in the Meta Keywords Tag. You can check for yourself by right clicking this page and select 'view source' from the menu. All the Meta Tags can be found between the <head> and </head> tags near the top.

The resulting Meta Keywords Tag is ...

In doing your keyword research you do find more than one very similar long tail keyword phrase use up to five of these similar long tails.

  • If, when doing your keyword research, you DO NOT come up with several keyword phrases that are very similar use the one, main, core, long tail keyword phrase once and then pieces of that main keywords phrase up to 4 times. For example, lets pretend your main target keyword phrase is how to do keyword research. The following would be the keywords you should use in the Keywords Meta Tag:
    1. how to do keyword research.
    2. how to keyword research.
    3. keyword research.

See how the main core keyword phrase comes first and then pieces of that keywords phrase come after. The resulting Keywords Meta Tag in this example would look like ...

Other Meta Tags to use Keywords

  • Title Tag: although the title tag is technically not a meta tag it is the most important tag of all the tags contained in a web page header. The title tag should be a short, 6 - 10 word sentence that is a brief summary of the web pages content and your main keyword phrase should be included once in the title tag.

    What the title tag looks like:
    <title>Brief Summary of Page Include Main Keyword Phrase</title>
  • Meta Description Tag: this is the second most important tag. The meta description tag is a longer sentence that expands on the title and allows you to provide a longer, more in depth explanation of the title. Without cramming unnaturally, try your best to get all of the keywords you are going to use for your meta keywords tag into the meta description tag.

    What the meta description tag looks like:
    <meta name="description" content="A longer, more in depth sentence that expands on the title and includes all the keywords you are using for your meta keywords tag."/>
  • OG:Title & OG:Description Tags: OG or Open Graph Tags are specific to when your web page is shared on Facebook. Although you CAN make the OG:title and OG:description different from the title tag and meta description tag, I don't see any reason why you would or should.

    What the OG:title tag looks like:
    <meta property="og:title" content="Same Title Used in Title Tag" />

    What the OG:description tag looks like
    <meta property="og:description" content="Use the exact same description you used for the meta description tag." />
  • Twitter:Title & Twitter:Description Tags: this is the title and description for Twitter sharing and they are referred to as Twitter Card Tags. Again, it's a good idea to stick to the same title you use for your title tag and OG:title and the same description you used for the meta description and OG:description.

    What the Twitter:title tag looks like:
    <meta property="twitter:title" content="Same Title Used in Title Tag" />

    What the Twitter:description tag looks like
    <meta property="twitter:description" content="Use the exact same description you used for the meta description tag." />

Use of Keywords in Meta Tags in Wordpress

One of the very things I don't like about Wordpress is the lack of granular control. Attempting to directly control and craft your meta tags in Wordpress is a seriously daunting task and best left to a good plug in for this purpose. Do a search for Wordpress SEO plugin. Look for one that has the most positive reviews.

Definition of Terms Used on the Page

  • SEO: stands for Search Engine Optimization and simply means to organize and arrange your website and web pages in a manner that search engines approve of. These rules usually make your site a better experience for your websites visitors as well.
  • On Page SEO: designing and laying out your web pages in a manner that is approved of by the major search engines. Proper use of keywords in your meta tags is one of the most important and most influential aspects of on page search engine optimization.


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... e using the Meta Keywords Tag because search engines ignore them. How these supposed website search engine experts might know this I find questionable. I would use and insert the Keywords Meta Tag in ...

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