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How Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker Program Gets 100's Of Long, Loong Tail Keyword Phrases 🔑

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How To Get 1,000's Of Long, Long Tail Keyphrases 🔑 That Get Daily Searches

Click to Play Video About How To Find And Harvest Hundreds Of Long Tail Keyphrases 🔑 That Get Daily Search Queries
  • Using Infinity Google Keywords for the Longest Tail Keywords Possible
  • how Infinity Google Keywords Works to Pull a High Volume of Long Tail
  • how Many Long Tail Keyword Phrases Get Scraped?
  • What About Competition for These Long Tail Results?
  • the Longer the Tail of the Keyword the Better

Using Infinity Google Keywords For The Longest Tail Keywords Possible

Infinity Google Keywords is a software program that pulls data from the related searches section and the autocomplete of the big G's search results. In other words, when your prospective website visitor types what they are searching for in the search box, at the very bottom of the page are suggestions the top search engine provides. It is the search engines way of saying 'If the pages I have shown you are not what you are looking for then these are other keyword phrases other people are typing into me that may be of help to you'.

Related Searches For Keyword Ideas.
Image of Related Searches For Keyword Ideas.
Related Searches For Keyword Ideas.

How Infinity Google Keywords Works To Pull A High Volume Of Long Tail

The way Infinity Google Keywords works is you enter in a single starting keyword phrase.

  1. The software puts this starting keyword phrase into its digital keyword idea bucket.
  2. The software then performs a search, using this keyword, and grabs all of the keyword suggestions from the related searches.
  3. The software displays these keyword results in the software interface AND places these keywords into the digital keyword bucket.
  4. The software then grabs the next keyword phrase from the bucket and performs a search with THAT keyword phrase. It then displays the related results in the software interface and puts THOSE keyword phrases into the keyword bucket.
  5. The software continues with this process forever, or, until you stop it.
Keyword Ideas Storage Bucket.
Image of Keyword Ideas Storage Bucket.
Keyword Ideas Storage Bucket.

Not only do you get related keywords phrases, but you'll also get keywords phrases and sub niches you never thought of before AND NEITHER HAS ANYONE ELSE!

This is why the software is named Infinity Google Keywords, because the digital keyword bucket of keyword ideas keeps growing and growing and growing and the list of related keyword phrases it pulls is almost infinite. To get a giant list of the most incredibly long keyword phrases from the software, simply leave it alone and let it run for a whole day or even longer.

How Many Long Tail Keyword Phrases Get Scraped?

I use Infinity Google Keywords to find long tail keyword phrases, let the software run a full day, and when I come back there are, literally, THOUSANDS of keyword phrases with hundreds of them contain 7 words or more! We know every single one of these keywords phrase gets searches or Google would not show them in the related keywords section.

To isolate and download these extremely long tail keywords is a simple matter of clicking one of two option buttons in the software:

  • Show ➩ keywords over 4 words long.
  • Show ➩ keywords over 6 words long.

The program immediately hides any keywords phrases shorter in length than your selection. You can then click File ? Save keywords.

All Keywords Over 4 Words All Keywords Over 6 Words.
Image of All Keywords Over 4 Words All Keywords Over 6 Words.
All Keywords Over 4 Words All Keywords Over 6 Words.

What About Competition For These Long Tail Results?

Generally speaking, if you are using related search keyword phrases that are longer than 6 words long, most of the time, you would not need to bother with competition because there will be very little to none. To be sure, you can always run the keywords through Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker or some other tool or software that checks to see how many other web pages are optimized (keyword phrase in title, in the url, and the body of the web page)for that keyword phrase.

The Longer The Tail Of The Keyword The Better

When it comes to creating content that will convert AND show up on the first page of search results the more words within that keyword phrase the better.


The more words contained in a keyword phrase, the less competition you are going to have e.g. long tail keyword demand curve. Now it is true that keyword phrases are not AS important as they use to be prior to 2014, but they DO still matter because these are the exact words people are typing into search engines to find what they are looking for.

The difference between today and yesterday is the content of your content is much more important than it use to be, but keyword do still matter.

In other words, you have to create a quality, information rich, valuable peice of content to back up the long tail keyword phrase you are using in your blog post headline and paragraphs. So even when you find and use these very long tail keywords with no competition, if the actual web page or blog post has little or no value you are still not going to do very well in the search results, or at least not as well as you would if the content is quality and unique.


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... the software: The program immediately hides any keywords phrases shorter in length than your selection. You can then click File ? Save keywords. Generally speaking, if you are using related search key ...


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