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🎬 Video Tutorial About Video Keywords for Music

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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Tutorial About Video Keywords for Music

00:01 In this video I'm going to show you how you can get all the music related tags for YouTube that you want without paying anybody a single cent.

00:09 On this web page here, if you scroll down a little bit you'll see a whole bunch of tags that are the best tags related to music according to software that we use. Of course music is a very generalized category and chances are probably going to need a more specific tag than just music but the same principle applies.

00:32 Go to YouTube and type in a starting or root keyword phrase. Let's say we type in the root keyword phrase hard rock music. Put the cursor at the beginning of the text box, press the SPACE key to insert a space, go back to the beginning so now the YouTube search box has the text hard rock music and then just start typing in each letter of the alphabet.

00:52 Those tags that are dropping down, those are called autosuggest tags. What's happening is YouTube has millions of visitors on a regular basis and it catalogs the searches people make so when people have typed in hard rock music and then it starts with an F at the beginning, YouTube searches its database and it finds and shows you what people have actually searched for via these tags that are showing up and as you continue typing a word, more tags will show up as YouTube is attempting to narrow down what it is you are looking for on YouTube but the point is that by using this technique, anything that shows up in this list are tags that if you make a video about it, you ARE going to get traffic, you are going to have people who are interested in your videos.

01:43 The trick is to finding which of these tags don't have any videos on YouTube already for that tag. So if you take this tag, hard rock music no copyright, and you make a great video about it and and put in the perfect YouTube video description, if there's already 50 videos on YouTube that are targeted around this keyword phrase, you're wasting your time so what you need to do is find out which of these tags there aren't already videos for and then you'll be able to dominate YouTube with YOUR videos related to music. This is where some software programs can come in and I'm going to show you a few of them.

02:21 Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker: it does exactly what we just did in YouTube accept it does it much faster and much better and it saves all the keyword phrases. You can use any tag you want in the software program and it will scrape and save the keyword phrases. Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker then tests these keyword phrases and reveals to you which of the ones don't have much, or ANY content on the internet at all for that tag or keyword phrase so you know which tags to make videos about.

03:04 YouTube Auto Complete Scraper: the software program goes directly to YouTube and it does exactly what we did, it types in different letters of the alphabet with the keyboard caret at the end and the beginning of the keyword phrase and also in between the words that make up the keyword phrase and it saves all the tags that show up in the YouTube auto complete drop down list.

03:29 Viral YouTube Soft: actually 4 software programs in 1. The program determines which keyword phrases are the best for YouTube and allows you to get a bird's-eye view of the competition. You put in a keyword phrase or tag, if there are any videos on YouTube related to that tag the software is going to reveal them all in a list and you can steal these videos tags and use them in your video. Viral YouTube Soft allows you to reverse-engineer other videos on YouTube in other ways. The software also has a video description builder which makes building a lengthy, SEO optimized YouTube video description much faster and easier.


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