Fixing BAIDU AntiVirus False Trojan Alerts
If you know that a software program is safe, this page shows you how to set file exclusions in BAIDU virus.
If you know that a software program is safe, this page shows you how to set file exclusions in BAIDU virus.
Setting an exception for a falsely flagged program or file, in Baidu antivirus, a just a bit more involved than some anti-virus. Just follow the steps below, exactly and you should have no problems. If you do, you can always contact us. Leave a comment below and we will answer it.
File Protection
tab/link to the left.Action on threat detection ------
section, check the option button Resolve Manually
and uncheck Auto-fix infected files
button to save these settings.➭
arrow. This will open up a small panel with a few links. Click Trusted
. This will open up the trusted files interface which is where you will tell Baidu anti-virus a file or app has been falsely flagged and that it is OK and does not have a virus or malware. This will allow this program or file to run correctly without interference.Files
tab to the left.Add
. This will open up a file browse
dialog box.Add
button on the file browse.