This page will show you This page is going to show you the brain training 4 dogs dog obedience system by CPDT-KA Certified Dog Trainer Adrienne Farricelli.
This page will also show you Adrienne Farricelli's simple by powerful dog training methods that work for any dog breed to create the most well behaved dog.
🧾 Technical Details of Brain Training 4 Dogs by Adrienne Farricelli (a CPDTKA Certified Dog Trainer)
Brain training for dogs is an online course which teaches you how train your dog yourself from your own home. It includes two ebooks 21 short activities shown as videos and a collection of over 100 articles written by the course instructor adrienne farricelli. The idea is that you work through the course in the main ebook little by little completing each stage with your dog.
After your dog has mastered the basics you can choose which activities to continue on with. You can either continue through the book to learn more advanced dog training games. Alternatively if you have specific concerns about your dogs behavior such as jumping up or whining then you can turn to the second ebook behavior training for dogs. This has detailed training techniques for each of these behavioral habits. There are accompanying videos as a bonus which give you short sharp tests to be completing with your dog as well as other resources.
Update on ace - i have gotten him involved in playing some of the games and i can see a difference in his confidence already my other dog played along and he became intrigued - now its a daily part of our routine - about 3 times a day we do the shell game and the muffin tin game. I am so grateful for coming upon your training techniques.
The Exact Dog Traing Lessons Contained in Brain Training For Dogs
After going through this program i feel 100 times more confident and far better about training. I have a far better understanding of behaviors and my puppy definitely seems to pick up on that confidence. This system is the best confidence booster and the best way to teach your dog.
Since using brain training for dogs my dogs are more excited to learn. They actively want to take part and figure out what they need to do it's not about commanding that they perform a behavior it's about getting them thinking. I really love this approach to dog training and my dogs do too.
Adrienne farricelli has impressive qualifications she studied dog training in italy and is a cpdt-ka trainer in the usa. The letters stand for certified pet dog trainer- knowledge assessed and are an earned credential given by the independent council for certified dog trainers. To obtain the credencial a trainer must meet strict requirements including minimum number of hours training dogs with proof a rigorous multi-hour national exam provide a reference from a veterinarian. After a trainer has become a cpdt-ka he or she must participate in continuing education in order to retain the credential and to keep up on the latest developments in dog training. Adrienne has written articles for many well known publications including usa today.
The great thing about this program is that they dont assume that your dog already has the basic training they start from zero. But yeah you dont have to follow the levels in order if you dont want to or your dog already has the basic training which wasnt the case with us so we followed the levels in order. In the first level your dog will learn the most basic things and the lessons in other modules keep getting harder as you level up. So lets see what we found in each level in brief. So this chakra and dna system was discovered and what they brought to the world is this audio. Let's check out the cost and guarantees for this audio.
This module will help you learn how to get your dog to focus on you regardless of whats going on in the surrounding. Youll be able to keep your dogs attention by the end of this module you can also be able to make them shift their focus on something else by using targeting. Fun activities like target train magic little way and airplane game made our dog look in our eyes and pay attention to us.
After elementary comes to high school this module is quite neat as your dog will learn how to calm down and learn self-control. It teaches the basics of scent work too which is fun. This level includes activities like bobbing for treats jazz up and settle down which will teach your dog how to settle down right after being hyped and the bottle game which will provide mental stimulation with a little bit of exercise.
From here things start getting interesting we started noticing a lot of changes in our dog by now and she seems to be a lot happier than she used to be. Once in a while we redo the activities from the previous module. This module was about teaching your dog how to concentrate on your command plus it was also about patience and calmness. The games included in this level are the magic carpet game the shell game and the open sesame game.
This module introduced more advanced concepts we loved the hide and seek game as it was so surprising how my dog used her intelligence during this game and helped us create a stronger bond with her. Other than hiding and seek there were look at that game which can help with barking and hot and cold game which builds confidence in your dog.
Brain Training For Dogs Unique Dog Training System Results Speak For Itself
The progress that our dog made was very much visible by now and seeing how she was using her intelligence was impressive. By this stage we kinda started showing off how awesome and intelligent our dog was plus neighbors who were complaining before were now shocked. It started to feel like she is understanding what we try to tell her. This module had activities that made her stick by our side and you wont believe that she was actually picking toys by their name.
This was the final level and we were actually feeling like proud parents. As our doggo was at a genius level now. She was able to tidy her toys once she finished playing. The activities in this module were super fun none of my friends believed that she was actually playing piano until they saw it themselves. You must be thinking that its unbelievable too but this play the piano game was all about it. This module did take some time as it was super advanced and you can skip this module. Other than this course there is still much more included.
This bonus content specifically covers the most common frustrating behavior problems that many pet dogs are likely to also discusses how it occurs and what you should do to get rid of them. Heres what you can expect from this bonus.
Dog training takes time but its all worth it as it will not only save you from embarrassment or having to control your dog all the time but also save you money that you would need to pay any dog trainer or other expenses also anyone who has a dog suffering from any kind of behavioral problems like barking jumping separation anxiety leash pulling and biting or anything else should really try this mind-blowing dog training course. Brain training for dogs has been proved to be working even for puppy training and agility training.
Like Having Adrienne Farricelli Right By Your Side Helping You Train Your Dog
A self-training program needs to be easy to follow with clear directions that make sense. Since there isnt a trainer there to answer questions clarity is key. Just like people not all dogs will learn in the same way and a good experienced trainer presents information in bite sized pieces that progress in difficulty.
Lets face it most of us dont have all day to spend on dog training and reinforcing training. We have jobs families chores and hobbies. An effective training program breaks lessons down into 10-15 minute sessions so they can be easily added to a busy life.
This is a big factor when i review any dog training program so brain training for dogs is not different as a teacher of many many group classes i always stress the importance of being comfortable with the methods being used. The reality is some people are uncomfortable with certain methods so its vital your ethics align with the trainer you choose. If you disagree with a trainers philosophy youre likely to quit training. Adriennes methods are science based and positive. She does not use any harsh training techniques and always keeps the focus on what will help the dog to learn. She also has a great deal of experience that she has backed up with certification. With that in mind i give this an experienced trainer grade of a.
Every dog- and every dog person- learns in their own way. Therefore a approach to dog training rarely works. Unless of course its a conditioning approach such as brain training for dogs and patience is used.
It is more of training for us this program not only made us understand our doggo behavior but also help to find hidden intelligence. But of course after this program she doesnt behave like an angel but its like we have an understanding between us now. So now we dont have to slip over her pee or poop right after waking up and of course no complaints from neighbors instead they stop by to pet her. Of course it didnt go totally smoothly and there were times when we had to use the private forum and a lot of patience whenever we were stuck somewhere.
The progress that we saw in our doggo was just amazing and we are sure that if you are having any kind of behavioral issue with your pet this program will definitely help you. If you found our review helpful then do drop us alike.
My name is adrienne farricelli i'm a professional cpdt-ka certified dog trainer and for the last 10 years i've been helping people to eliminate ,s in dogs and train well behaved obedient loving petsby showing them how to bring out the hidden intelligence inside their dog.
How to Quickly Eliminate Any Dog Behavioral Problem With this Trick
I'm going to reveal how you can quickly eliminate any behavioral problem no matter how badly you think it's ingrained no matter what kind of dog you have.
Most dog training programs today fail to engage your dog on a mental level and fail to develop hisher intelligence. With enough mental stimulation - many problem behaviors simply melt away. I'll explain why below.
Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never address the root cause of your dog's problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting chewing or barking - which is short term in its effectiveness at best - again because it does not address the root cause of the problem.
Most dog training programs use outdated force and dominance techniques. This is proven not to work by the latest research. My methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and create positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors you want.
Many other online dog training programs are created by phoneys with no certifications this is dangerous since using the wrong techniques will lead to problem behaviors getting worse or even a bite in some cases. Avoid taking advice from any trainer who does not list hisher professional.
Almost any behavior problem you can think of can be quickly and easily cured with the simple techniques i'm about to show you.
I'm a professional cpdt-ka certified dog trainer living in arizona with my husband and our two amazing rottweilers einstein and petra. Needless to say i'm passionate about dogs and absolutely love what i do.
Today's dogs suffer from a lack of mental stimulation and quality time spent with their people. The resulting boredom and anxiety can lead to no end of physical and behavioral problems. Brain training for dogs is the solution in a clear and concise manner adrienne farricelli walks owners through a series of puzzles and exercises that will challenge and entertain dogs of all abilities.
Both the exercises and the games are very practical so dog owners may use them throughout the day to have a well-trained dog. There are training nuggets throughout both in the step-by-step instructions and the sections that will help enrich the lives of both dogs and their owners.
In other words our brains are like soft plastic always capable of molding and changing to learn new habits and behaviors.
With the right mental stimulation and training that you will get in my program your dog's brain will become more open and receptive to learning new information.
When this happens - your dog's ,s simply fade away as more desirable ones appear in their place.
A more intelligent dog has the capacity to take commands easier and understand what you need from him.
In my 10 years as a dog trainer i realized pretty quickly that more intelligent dogs are much easier to train bad habits out of and teach new skills to.
Because I cover every conceivable problem you can have with your dog and show you how to change it including.
Because you get force-free easy to understand directions guides step-by-step guides and pictures and video demonstrations you can use with any dog to quickly unlock his natural intelligence and eliminate ,s. Quite literally i've compressed years of study of hundreds of problem dogs into a paint-by numbers system for creating the wonderfully well-behaved pet you desire. I will show you why the formula is structured the way it is without wasting a moment of your valuable time.